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Contacting hours by phone
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Contacting hours by email

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Free delivery

Let us fill,
your fridge !!

Order in a few clicks
Choose from seasonal dishes freshly prepared by our chef

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😋 Om-nom-nom...
🥰 Sooooo delicious!
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How it works

  • 01

    You choose

    a selection of more than 15 dishes and a Gourmet category

  • 02

    We cook

    Our chef Greg will prepare delicious dishes for you

  • 03

    We deliver

    All your dishes delivered to the

  • 04

    You taste

    It only takes 3 minutes to warm up ... Bon appétit!



Years Experience

Reviews about us

While mirth large of on front. Ye he greater related adapted proceed entered an. Through it examine express promise no. Past add size game cold girl off how old

Very tasty

i was happy to order here... cookforme provided me delicious dish with lots of taste



I have lunch here every day

Hello, It was delicious again :-)) I don't have a microwave but a hot air oven and 3min at 180 degrees is not enough. The dish stays cold. So I let it warm up for about 10min and it was perfect! See you soon.




Our Story

We are Charlotte and Elio, a couple in their thirties who have had enough of lunch with a sandwich and pizza or sushi dinners.

To stop this junk food, we had to start cooking, but we quickly realized that it was not so simple over time!
In fact, we had to: Plan our meals - Make the shopping list - Run to the supermarkets just before the doors close - Start cooking… and end up with the chore of cleaning !!!


On arrival, we spent a lot of time there, to the detriment of our evenings. Our good homemade dishes: Yes. The chore of cooking: No!
We found that we were not alone in this situation and that many of us agreed to eat well at home or in the office without spending too much time cooking.


With this in mind, Cook for me was born!

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Let us fill your fridge !


Geneva – Switzerland


By phone: Lundi – Vendredi:
9:00 am – 6:00 pm

By email:
9:00 am – 8:30 pm

© 2023 Cook for me. Tous droits réservés.